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Selectmen's Minutes July 28, 1998
Selectmen’s Meeting
Minutes of  July 28, 1998

Present:  Peter Jones, Judith Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski.  Dan Webster absent and Charles Flynn arrived at 8:30.  Also Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary.

Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM

Chairman recognized Chief King concerning the Board’s scheduled interviews with three candidates for patrolman for the Police Dept.  Chief King indicated that the three candidates had succeeded in passing a written test as well as oral interviews.  The Chief would ask the Board to interview them separately.  Chief introduced Peter Caligero to the Board members.  Chairman Jones stated the format of the interview process and asked Mr. Caligero to make some opening remarks concerning his desire to become a Police Officer for the Town of Hanson.  Mr. Caligero cited his background, childhood and education.  Mrs. Murdoch asked Mr. Caligero to comment on what he perceives to be the benefit of being a police officer.  Ms. Kuchinski asked for Mr. Caligero’s comments concerning community policing and bicycle patrol.  Mr. Jones asked Mr. Caligero to discuss instances where he felt through a common sense approach a situation could be better handled than by the book.  

Board was next introduced to Jeff Bailey, Sr. by Chief King.  Again Chairman Jones made a statement regarding the interview format.  Jeff Bailey made an introductory statement to the Board.  Murdoch asked what appealed to him about Police work.  Kuchinski asked about his educational background and future plans.  Jones asked him to describe how he would use common sense to approach the job.  Bailey responded to each one of the Board’s questions and thanked the Board for his interview.

Chief King introduced Andrew Gilbert.  Again Chairman Jones made a statement regarding the interview process.  Mr. Gilbert made several remarks concerning his experience and background.    Kuchinski also asked him to describe his concept of community policing.    Kuchinski asked him to discuss his educational background and work experience and how they have prepared him for the job.  Murdoch again asked how he feels he would be a benefit to the Town.  She also asked why he considered working in a small town vs. a larger city.  Chairman Jones asked Gilbert to describe a common sense approach which he has used to resolve a situation.  Board thanked Gilbert and asked Chief king for an overview of the assessment process and his recommendation.

King recommended Peter Calogero as the number one candidate.  Board agreed to vote on the appointment at their meeting of 8/11.  

Mr. Jones talked briefly about the upcoming year in the Police Dept. realizing that we are replacing a lieutenant, a sergeant, and adding an additional patrolman.  Chief King indicated that the Board should consider whether or not to keep the existing list active and contemplate another appointment sometime in the late fall or early winter.  IF that were the Board’s wish, an officer could be scheduled for a late winter or early spring police academy, thereby being ready to step into the vacancies which will be created in the late spring and summer.  Board agreed to revisit this issue in the fall.  

Board voted on a motion by Kuchinski, 2nd by Murdoch to hold the State Primary on September 15th, 1998 at the Maquan School.  Polling hours to be 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  3-0 vote.  Board signed the warrant for the September 15, 1998 State Primary.  ]

Motion by Kuchinski, 2nd by Murdoch to accept the minutes of June 2, 1998.  3-0 vote.  Board agreed to hold the minutes of May 19th and June 16th.  Kuchinski also asked for an update of the minutes of April 7 and April 14.  

Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Kuchinski for the Board of Selectmen to meet on 9/8; 9/22/ 9/29; Town Meeting on October 5, 10/13; 10/27 (set aside time for planning); 11/10; and 11/24.  

Motion by Kuchinski, 2nd Murdoch to allow liquor store openings from November 22 to December 27, to open at 12 noon through 11:30 p.m. at the option of store owners.  3-0 vote.  

Motion by Murdoch to grant a common victualer license for a fund raiser to be held at the Indian head School Track, 11/11/98 from 8:00 am to 3:00 PM to benefit the Children’s Happiness Foundation in memory of Matthew Westfield, 2nd Kuchinski.  Voted 3-0.
(School dept. has given permission).

Motion by Kuchinski to reappoint John C. Griffith to the Recreation Commission, term to expire 6/30/01.  2nd by Murdoch.  3-0 vote.

Board agreed to take action on the 61A land request concerning the Kingston property on 8/11.

Chairman introduces Mary Lou Sutter.  Board also recognized Capital Improvement Committee member, Pam Fasci.  Mrs. Sutter explained that the Capital Improvement Committee needed to clarify the process and the extent of their involvement in three projects which were voted by Town Meeting this past May.  First issue concerned monies that were voted for sidewalks.  Mrs. Sutter recalled discussion at Town Meeting which led the CIC to believe a sidewalk committee would be started and also looked for clarification as to who was responsible for spending the money.  Nugent explained that while the Board was contemplating the creation of a committee, they would look into both sidewalks, there are additional areas of concern  that the Board would like to have this committee deal with, ie. street lighting, private ways and potential drainage; however the Board of Selectmen’s intent for the funds which were voted in May was to commence a pilot program to start to construct sidewalks along Maquan Street, from the church down to the Senior Center.  Capital Improvement funds along with Chapter 90 funds would be expended for engineering and construction of this part of the project.  the Board agreed that Nugent, working with the Highway Surveyor, Dick Harris, would oversee this project.  Capital Improvement Funds would be expended with the approval of the Board of Selectmen and then the approval of the CIC.  

2nd issue brought to the attention of the Board was the expenditure of $7500 at the Maquan School playground.  Nugent explained that it was the intent of the Board in requesting these funds that this money would be spent solely on code related issues and materials at the playground.  Additional maintenance costs would be borne by the school. This project will be overseen by Pam Garcia heading up a renewed community playground committee.  Mr. Nugent will contact Ms. Garcia and assured both the Board and the CIC that funds will be signed off accordingly and The Board of Selectmen will have final authority on the playground funds.

Final issue raised by Mrs. Sutter was relative to the GIS funds.  Mr. Nugent explained that an ad hoc subcommittee was established by volunteer employees and officials to investigate two GIS programs.  As a result, the original request for funding was reduced and the GIS feasibility study was to be implemented through this committee on an informal basis.  Mr. Nugent felt that the committee should answer directly to the
Board of Selectmen, who would in turn approve any necessary expenditure of funds or purchase orders.

Board of Selectmen thanked Mrs. Sutter for raising these issues and agreed that they would assist in whatever capacity needed.  

Action requests:  Mr. Flynn spoke briefly about the Town Hall construction reminding residents that this area was now considered a construction site and therefore urged people to use caution around the Town Hall grounds.  Nugent explained the signage, the parking and the work areas and agreed with Mr. Flynn that people need to exercise extreme caution in this area.  Kuchinski reminded the Towns’ people that the fifth annual Carolyn Ready Golf Tournament is scheduled for 8/3 at the Halifax Country Club.  In addition, the Kiwanis Steak Fry will be held at Camp Kiwanee and is also scheduled for the evening of August 3.  The Wampatuck Lodge is scheduled to hold a flea market at their premises on August 1 and 2.  Kuchinski reminded residents that the tax exempt forms were available at the Assessor’s Office.  In addition, the Town Accountant and Treasurer/Collector are now located at the Fire Station and that Camp Kiwanee continues their summer programs for interested residents.    Ms. Kuchinski reminded Board members that the Board needs to think about their goals and objectives, any articles needed for the October Town Meeting.  Kuchinski asked the status of the Drug and Alcohol Policy.  Nugent reported that he was awaiting approval from the Highway Union Rep., Jim Kane.   Kuchinski also reminded the Board that there was supposed to be some discussion of the evaluation tools and on government study issues.

Board entered exec. session under #3, Fire Department negotiations.  Roll Call vote:  Jones, aye; Kuchinski, aye; Murdoch, aye; Flynn, aye.

Board rejoined regular session.

Motion to adjourn by Murdoch, 2nd Flynn, 4-0 vote at 11:10 p.m.